El Giante Pollo Sabroso "The Giant Tasty Chicken"



We look forward to our time at the discipleship class in Santa Maria Huatulco. Getting there can be a challege :0)


Every Saturday we hop in a taxi for a 20 minute ride up to Santa Maria Huatulco for the discipleship class. Our taxi ride cost $200 pesos one way or about $10 dollars plus we give a tip.


The landmark we give to the taxi driver-“taxista”-is:


“vamos a la gigante estatua de El Pollo Sabroso” which means “we are going to the giant statue of the tasty chicken”.


The discipleship class is down the hill from “The Tasty Chicken” and the road is under construction so we often get out and walk down to the class. About two blocks. Here you see El Pollo Sabroso.

We asked if we could take a picture in front and they invited us to stand up by the statue. The owner asked to have our picture taken with him.


The little girls were so cute and there was a little baby chicken not more than a few days old running under our feet.


Our good friend Suzy purchased our drinks. Delicious Agua de Naranja – Orange juice water.


Never Be Surprised!

2 Timonty 4: 103

1I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: 2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.…

Normally I take turns teaching the women with two other wonderful teachers, Narahi and Mirna. Last week Phil and I taught so this week it was someone else’s turn…Narahi!

About 10 minutes before the class started Narahi asked if I would like to teach in her place.

Oh wow…I had not prepared at all and I tried to argue a bit but The Lord decided yes, I would teach. I had no idea what I was going to teach! I didn’t have my Bible…I went to Phil and told him, “I am teaching!”…he chuckled and this is what he said…

I felt the Holy Spirit ask me to continue on with what Phil and I taught the week before on loving God and others and forgiveness.

I was able to share examples of how I and my other students practice forgiveness as soon as the offense comes and do more teaching on releasing the offender from anything we feel they may owe us; an apology, a repair, a repayment, an acknowledgement, etc and receive Jesus death on the cross as payment for those sins against us.

I also shared my story of being delivered from a lifetime of resentment and the peace and joy that came as a result.

Women receiving God's peace

We FEEL offenses physically, sometimes to the point of sickness or even death. I like to lead my students in the physical act of releasing the offense to God and releasing the offender of any debt and receiving Jesus Sacrifce as payment in full for the offense.

It’s also very important to confess our sinful responses to an offense; anger, resentment, revenge, retaliation are human responses to being hurt. We must confess our sins so we can be forgiven.

I love how easily the women embrace this teaching. You can see in their faces they have more and more peace each week as they put their trust in their Savior, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Willy interpreting my english into spanish

Pastor Willy is currently the only interpreter we have! I keep asking God to give Phil and I the gift of tongues to speak and interpret and in the mean time we are using Duo Lingo to learn. This has helped us to have an ear for how the people speak and we are understanding more and more.

Children learning about the Bible

Of course the dogs love to join the fun! Narahi, Eli ,Mirna, Adrea and Dulce are wonderful teachers and helpers as the children do their work. The children are all excited about doing the booklet work.

Please Pray:

For the children and mothers who are attending all 12 weeks and the fathers, other children and family members to know Jesus.

For the church plant in Santa Maria, they have a great building and will be ready to start the church there in a few months.

For the leaders of the Discipleship classes in 5 different communities and those attending.