This is a Travel Berkey, 1.75 gallons.
The Berkey filters have a great reputation for providing good clean water. We brought this with us to Mexico due to the water conditions here.
We can buy bottled water and big jugs of water that is filtered as well but we knew we would get a better quality with a Berkey.
Berkeys are known to even filter pond water. They are widely rused in countries that have poor water quality.
We used tap water for the filtration test. Instructions said to add 1 teaspoon of red food color to the water. If the filter was working correctly it would remove the red color.
Notice the particles and yucky stuff floating on top of the water! EWWW
Yay! Our water is clear, our filter is working!

This water is directly from our tap. Our water in Huatulco is filtered and “safe.”
Particles: You can literally see the particles floating in this water and on top of the red water.
Taste: We have never liked the taste of this water but have used it for coffee, tea, cooking, etc. Not for drinking.
This water is from our big jug of filtered water.
Particles: There were many particles in this “filtered” water we pay for.
Taste: Highly acid taste compared to the Berkey Filtered Water
This water is from an expensive bottled water.
Particles: We were surprised to see particles. It has been our go-to drinking water from December-February 16.
Taste: This bottled water was very acidic compared to the Berkey Filtered Water.
Notice each of the “filtered” water pictures have particles floating.
We are sooo happy to have our Berkey up and running! The reason we brought a small one (1.75 gallons) to Mexico…earthquakes! If we had a major earthquake we can grab our Travel Berkey, put it in a back pack and have access to safe, filtered water.

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