You never know what you will see on a scooter!
There are so many interesting sights in Mexico! I’ll be updating this page when I get a good picture of something that tickles our funny bone, shocks us or makes us say WoW! Enjoy!

Geckos in the bathroom
Home delivery, homemad tamales oaxacan, wrapped in banana leaves.
All the fresh food garbage goes in the freezer until garbage day…to keep bugs and critters away!
Most homes have a cement laundry sink and washboard. We have one on our roof.

Thin slices of beef, hanging to dry in an open air shop

Resourcefulness is everywhere in Mexico. Love it!

This shop sign “Monty Hall” is down in the “Centro” just off the square in La Crucecita. It cracked me up because I’m sure the owner says “Let’s Make a Deal”…he he…
We often walk by a jewlery store on our way to the square. The owner always yells across the street come see what he has for sale and when you walk by he yells…”alright then go by your junk at Walmart.”
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